Tuesday, August 19, 2008

shop smart

Initially, we Indians were highly skeptical about shopping online. Habituated to touching and feeling everything that we bought, we were a little hesitant about buying goods, just by looking at its image. Hence shopping was done directly from stores. With time we have started dabbling into this new mode of shopping, though a little cautiously. Shopping portals took this hint and have come up with innovative ideas to give their users near store experience. One of such portals being Mobilenxt.com.Though still be at a teething stage, this site is breaking grounds in order to keep its users captivated and indulging them with comfortable yet intelligent means of mobile shopping.
Bearing this in mind, it has come up with a new section, the mobilenxt gallery. This section provides a bird’s eye view at all the phones on the site, which is as close as it can get to viewing mobiles which are displayed at a store (you know… ” The near store experience”). The devices are placed brand wise, back to back. Almost all mobiles hitting the market can be found on this page, aptly placed for a quick glance. All one has to do is select a mobile, click and read its details. If a number of mobiles catch your eye, then zeroing in on a single piece may take some thinking. Under such a scenario, you can resort to the ‘compare’ option. Add all the mobiles that you are pondering over into the compare section and each mobile appears with its specifications, in sync with their features. Even in a store, it can’t get better than this. With this simple step, you don’t just simplify mobile shopping, but also choose wisely.
Want a sneak peek at this gallery. Click on

1 comment:

Ashwath D.Warkar said...

the blog tells you about the Indian perception of online shopping. can ya mention the no of people who shop online(if data available). so that the readers will come to know the amount of people who shop online. most of them prefer not to buy online is coz they want 2 feel the product before spending the money on it. coz they don't buy it on a frequently. sometimes pics dont give full information. so if you put some animation of the mobiles (like d way its available in nokia site) it will a better way to show it 2 show the product closely. the more specifications, in terms of animation n product info n most importantly the safty in buying products online, the more people will think of buying it.

Ashwath D.Warkar