Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Travel smart with your mobile phone

I remember my college days; we had gone up north for a pharmacy tour. This also involved travelling to Kullu, Manali, Chandigarh and Delhi. Every new hotel that we checked in, involved calling my parents through the reception. This in itself was like was a scary task as the connection was cranky, half the words were lost, so I had to fill in whatever I could not hear and many times I jumped to the wrong conclusion. The poor me dint have a choice and suffered a mini heart attack every time the hotels presented the bill before checking out. They burnt a hole in my wallet. Even when I had called, the conversation stuck to the most practical points as I could almost see the bill shoot up in my head while I sat in my room struggling to speak through a bad connection.

Now when I look back it all seems like the prehistoric times, what with the phone lines being dead most of the time along with the cross connections. Nowadays we don’t just have mobile phones and rent free roaming, but also while roaming the incoming is just a notch higher than the local calls and the outgoing is also quiet reasonable. Money is not the only factor that’s important here, there’s also the flawless connectivity minus shrills and continuous voice breaks. With mobile phones the convenience and quick access in case of emergencies of any kind is amazing besides being economical and essential while travelling. Though ensuring that the mobile phone has network access where you are up and moving and the battery being charged is important. Let’s also include the SMS, and the camera (which is a common feature in almost all phones), comes in handy while travelling. Now it’s a night mare to step out of the house without your mobile phone.
Your phone can be put to many such uses, for more fun tips, check out MobileNXT.com

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